He called me ... the one and only. Yes ... that's what he said - "You're a rare bitch" … an article written by the wellknown romanian writer Adrian Dumitru

She was really looking amazing.

Very rarely ... you could see such a beautiful woman as her.

And ... all men liked her.


I really couldn't see anyone who would not pay attention to her beauty.

All men ... being attracted to her magnetism.

... adoring her ... as a woman.

But ... Karl was in love with her.

He had ... an obsession for her.

I saw ... so many, many times the passion and the obsession into his eyes.

Everyone .... could see that.

Somehow ... it was more than love.

Cause ... It didn't looked to me as a normal love story.

Maybe ... this is why i was paying so much attention to them ... as a couple.

I was analysing them.

With ... obsession.

Unfortunately ... one day i've heard him saying ... "You are


the one and only. You're a rare bitch".

I was ... shocked.

Most certainly ... he was not in illusion anymore.

Or ... at least .... he was balancing between being and not being ... into the illusion of that love story.

One day ... i've asked him ... "What is going on?! What's wrong with you?! What's wrong with you as a couple?!".

Smiling ... he replied ... "Most certainly ... she suffers of what I should call .... Queen syndrome.

And ... that's not really ... a compliment..."

The answer was ... vague.

Maybe ... abstract.

But ... most probably ... it was all the expression of his strong thoughts, feelings and emotions ... related to their relationship.

I guess ... he had enough.

She was indeed ... beautiful.

As you can rarely see ... a woman.

But ... also a bitch.

... which was ruining his soul.

All happening ... in continuous form.

So ... probably .... his blindness ... disappeared.

... at least from time to time... cause he was not seeing anymore ... only and only ... her beauty ... but also her dark side ... that rare bitch ... from her soul.

I was trying to understand him.

Unfortunately .... i was blind too.

I also saw ... just her beauty.

I saw ... what all the others were seeing ... but Karl saw


more than that.

Karl .... saw her soul ...

And ...



Download the book ”The princess syndrome

... perceptions of an idiot man - essays” written by the romanian author Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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